Food can bring great pleasure to our lives and eating habits are never easy to change. The goal of a good cancer-combatting diet is to ensure your nutritional needs are met without stripping away all the joy of good food.
Oncologists all around the world agree that proper nutrition plays a pivotal part in all stages of cancer. The types of foods that we consume can have a great effect on reducing the overall risk of tumor formation and their subsequent development. Proper eating habits give cancer patients the opportunity to support essential bodily functions that are required to fight off the disease. That is why it is crucial that cancer patients implement effective eating strategies.
Food plays such an important part in fighting cancer that it often becomes a critical factor for a full recovery. One of the major challenges that cancer patients face during their struggle is preventing significant weight loss due to chemotherapy and a change of lifestyle.
Here is a range of tips for both preventing cancer and for combatting the development of the disease:
Negatives That Need to be Avoided
It has been proven that individuals who abuse alcohol are more prone to fall victim to oral cancers affecting cavities, the pharynx, esophagus, and mammary glands. Intake of alcoholic beverages with a high alcohol content in unison with smoking greatly increases the risk of developing malignant tumors.
Salty food intake should also be reduced as salty foods have been tied to the formation of malignant tumors in one’s oral cavity and stomach. Salty foods can also lead to chronic stomach diseases, leading a reduction in gastric juice production within the stomach as well as to an increased risk of acquiring cancer.
Proteins are Essential
Proteins are the building blocks of all tissues in our body, and are especially important in cancer patients. A deficiency in protein levels can lead to a weakening of the human immune system, which can lead to the strengthening and progression of cancer. However, frequently eating high protein foods like roasted pork and beef has been tied to an increase in colon cancer. Therefore, it is important to consume protein in moderation and always consult medical professionals regarding proper protein intake.
Proper protein intake will help balance out a nutritional plan and will help in the body’s recovery process after fending off diseases regardless of which stage they of the disease the individual is in. Protein also helps maintain proper body weight, which improves overall health, strength, metabolic functions, and prevents exhaustion.
Get Your Greens
Certain types of green foods like peas, blue kelp, kale, dandelion greens, and nettle roots contain large quantities of chlorophyll, which have been proven to improve the bodies resistance against cancerous tumors as well as various kinds of microbes. Red, orange, and yellow vegetables and fruits are rich in carotenoids and carry anticancer properties. Cancer patients should consume a lot of foods like carrots, tomatoes, squash, grapefruits, oranges, and watermelons. These foods have been proven to be very effective in destroying free radicals in lipids, enhancing one’s immune system, and providing a line of defense against the ultraviolet radiation implicated in the development of skin cancer.
Don’t Ignore the Antioxidants
Blue, purple, or red fruits and vegetables contain a lot of anthocyanins, which are essentially health-promoting antioxidants. Cancer patients need antioxidants because they can help neutralize free radicals, relieve inflammation, and stimulate the bodies internal resistances towards carcinogens and viruses. Cancer patients can benefit from consuming foods like beets, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, red and purple grapes, as well as blue cabbage on a regular basis.
Even More Fruits and Vegetables
Foods and vegetables like broccoli, pineapple, and garlic have anti-tumor properties. These foods have been proven to reduce the risks of certain cancers, disease, and overall prevent damage to an individual’s immune system. Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens, turnips, and radishes contain indole, which is a compound that plays a big part in activating the bodies detoxifying abilities in the liver.
Surprisingly, Green Tea
Green tea contains substances known as polyphenols, which researches think may possess anti-cancer properties. There have been a few studies carried out that suggest that green tea may indeed help protect the human body against colon and stomach cancers as well as promoting a better cholesterol profile.
Always Seek Professional Help
Maintaining a proper diet and nutritional intake is essential for cancer patients. A good diet and professional medical assistance can help you go a long way in your battle against cancer. Remember to get the proper amount of protein, greens, relaxation, and antioxidants on a daily basis to help you feel better on your path towards a healthy life.